수부 기능 측정용 스마트 글러브 MANOVIVO가 싱가포르 레드닷디자인박물관에서 전시

아트테크놀로지학과 김지은 교수 연구팀이 개발한 수부 기능 측정용 스마트 글러브 MANOVIVO가 싱가포르에 위치한 레드닷디자인박물관에서 열리는 <Human-Nature>에 전시되었습니다. 사람과 로봇의 공존을 주제로한 이번 전시회는 2019년 9월 30일까지 진행되며, MANOVIVO를 직접 만나보실 수 있습니다.
On 11 January, Our Manovivo has successfully set up at <Human-Nature>, an exhibition of Red Dot Design Museum. Red Dot Design Museum is located in the centre of Marina Bay, Singapore. It is now exhibiting untill 30th September 2019. Come join us :)
Exhibition: <Human-Nature> Now exhibiting until 30th September 2019 Designers: Jieun Kim, Guiyoung Kim, Hyejeong Lee / IMAGINE x Lab, Arts & Technology, Hanyang University.
An exhibition of good design, with parallel questioning of the nature of being human in a world where we achieved enhanced abilities through technology and algorithm, where humans co-exist with robots, machine learning and big data. The exhibition begins with an introspective probe on how humans perceive robots. Do they have souls? Where in some parts of the world humans believe inanimate objects are considered to be just as alive as the animate, will robots be accepted as companions, members of society rather than mere tools or threats.
More information: https://www.museum.red-dot.sg/exhibition-human-nature